Matteson Mission School is owned and operated by the Granheim Foundation, which is a non-profit organisation ( 960 801 105). The foundation is committed to providing facilities, whether by owning or renting, to Matteson Mission School or other projects that follow the guidelines given on education in the Bible and the books of Ellen White.
As classrooms connected to the school the Granheim Foundation also operates some services for the local community:
A home bakery, including vegetarian catering service that upon ordering? brings healthy, tasty meals into people’s homes for special occasions as well as the everyday. (pics of some food – in faith that we will restart this soon)
A composting plant with reception of branches from private gardens in the community. Over the years the foundation has developed an organic compost of high quality that is available for sale. (picture of the test, and maybe the bags?)
According to the school program, each student invests 10 hours work per week for the Granheim Foundation as part of their compensation for their stay at the school.
Granheim Foundation is a member of Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries (ASI) and Outpost Centers International (OCI).
Mattesonskolen eies og drives av Granheim- stiftelsen, som i tillegg til skoledriften også driver vegetarisk catering og kompost- og grøntanlegg. Mattesonskol- en samarbeider med Gospel Ministries International (GMI) og engasjerer seg i et dynamisk, verdensomspennende misjonsarbeid. Granheimstiftelsen er medlem av Outpost Centers International (OCI) og Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI), og er en assosiert LIGHT-skole (Lay Institute of Global Health Training)
Practical Work