training missionaries for life!
BIBLE - Source of all wisdom
Daniel & Revelation
A careful study of the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation and their historical fulfillment, with special emphasis on the prophetic heritage, which builds the foundation of the origin and purpose of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. These studies explore the prophecies that relate to current and soon-coming events, and draws out lessons from these books that may help our growth and preparation for the time to come.
How to study the Bible
In this class, students discover tools to unlock and understand the Scriptures. Time is also given to practice using each ‘tool’, with the aim that the student would continue using it in the future.
Plan of Salvation
A closer look into the theme of salvation with the intent that each student will be deeper impressed with the reality of the love of God, and the work which He is doing for them.
Fundamental Beliefs - Explore and share
Over the course of these classes, the unique scriptural doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church will be explored, explained and defended. The student will not only learn these exciting doctrines for themselves, but also be equipped to teach others, making Christ the center of every study.
Features the importance and uniqueness of the sanctuary message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Includes studies on the role of Christ in the sanctuary, and how it applies to our Christian walk today.
Church & Adventist History
This class covers the basic history of the Seventh-day Adventist church, and, from the accounts and stories of God’s dealings and teachings, seeks to give students confidence for the future.
Spirit of Prophecy
An investigation of the role of the gift of prophecy as expressed in the life and ministry of Ellen G. White. Emphasis will be given on what the Bible tells about prophets, evidences to believe why Ellen White was a prophet of God, common objections to her ministry and the miracles that testified to her work.
Why do we interpret the scriptures the way we do? This class seeks to help students come in contact with, and understand, the principles that lead us to interpret scripture in a certain way.


MINISTRY - In all aspects of life
Bible Studies
With this series of powerful Bible studies you will learn to present the everlasting gospel (good news) in an effective and Christ-centered way and thereby showing the attractiveness of deciding to follow Christ.
Intelligent Faith
The moto of the school is “come and think!”, this is exactly what we will be doing in this class. What are our reasons for believing believing in creation versus evolution or Christianity verses other religions.
Health Expo
Students have the opportunity to participate and take collective responsibility for a health expo – an effective way of coming into contact with people.
Learn how to prepare worships and sermons, as well as how to present them in an appealing and informative way.
Literature Evangelism
What are the basics for selling any product? This is a very practical “hands-on” class in which you will learn to “sell” the gospel, different ways of approaching people at the door and how to show them Christ both through books and example.
Learn to use music effectively in worship and ministry. This class will give you a knowledge of music as a means of communication and influence. You will have the opportunity to make music with others, to use and develop your talents and to improve your voice in speech and song.
Coaching is an effective way to help people identify their aims and take sustainable steps to get there. In this class, students learn tools which place them in a position to better help all who they come in contact with.
Business Evangelism
Business and religion? Can they be connected? In this class, students discover a powerful paradigm which allows all people to use their ‘common work’ as a means of advancing God’s kingdom.
Lifestyle Center Week
Students have the privilege of serving at a well-reputed health week. The week provides opportunities to practice that which has been learned in class, mingle and build friendships with people, and work with some of the best in the medical field.
Experience the joy of service, develop skills and get experience by working in the field. Surveys, colportering, health ministry, health expos, ministering to the city, public meetings, concerts and giving Bible studies is part of our varied outreach program throughout the year. The final three weeks of the course consist of a summer mission trip organized by IMPACT Norway.
Lifestyle Club
Students have the privilege of experiencing how a lifestyle club works, through working in and with “Livsstilsklubben Mysen” which is a local initiative from the Granheim Foundation. The club runs health expo’s, monthly club meetings, health runs, cooking course and many other activities throughout the year. The students will be engaged in this work, and experience how to serve the local community in a continal and sustainable way.


LEADERSHIP - Resources for our institutions
Christian Education
In this class, students discuss and reflect of the principles of education as revealed in the book “Education”. It is the aim of this class to show and explore the reality that ‘true education’ is more than just classes, but a way of life which has eternal benefits.
Christian Home
Discussions on the principles and guidelines as revealed in the Bible, as well as in the Spirit of Prophecy, regarding steps toward courtship, marriage, and a happy home.
Christian Psychology
Featuring a Christian perspective on psychology and the health mechanism of the mind. Learn effective interpersonal communication and how to resolve conflicts. Emphasis is on forgiveness, depression, and disorders resulting from malfunction of the brain.
Leadership Principles
What makes a great leader? How do we become great leaders? In this class, students discover answers to these questions, and have the opportunity to especially focus on principles which they wish to apply their life.
Financial Management
This class practically equips the student with key foundational skills in financial management. Subject matters includes budgeting, balance sheets and ledger book keeping.
Church Organisation
What is the purpose of the church? How is the Seventh-day Adventist church organised? In this class, students will explore the answers to these questions.

HEALTH - Ministering in practice

Diseases & Treatments
Features an overview of different lifestyle diseases prevalent in society today — their causes, treatments and prevention.
Lifestyle & Physiology
Through the physiology course, the student will learn to appreciate and get a deeper knowledge about the function of his own body, from the cellular level, to organs and organ systems. The course will provide the student with essential knowledge that will help the student to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Features the positive health benefits from the oldest recorded diet in history, the vegetarian diet. The course also teaches the student how to make a balanced and well planned diet in order to get the most benefits from the diet and to avoid possible nutritional deficiencies.
Learn the basic principles of massage and how to apply a variety of strokes to different muscle groups.
The use of water in any of its three forms- solid, liquid or vapor- internally or externally in the treatment of disease and to relieve pain, is as old as the practice of medicine. The student will be introduced to the principles behind hydrotherapy and practice various forms of treatments.
Vegetarian Cooking School
This practical course provides an opportunity to explore and practice the combining of ingredients, foods and recipes, as well as vegetarian cooking for a larger group of people.
First Aid & CPR
Features theory on basic patient care. Learn more about vital body signs, cleanliness, emergency situations. Students will finally also receive a certificate in First Aid and CPR.

ORGANIC GARDENING - Grow your own potatoes

Organic Gardening
Outdoor studies where students learn practical lessons and skills in organic gardening. Students learn how to plant, care for, harvest, and appreciate the home garden in all the aspects it serves. Lessons and skills gained in plant and garden care are the same which are essential for the care of people, contacts we meet, and hearts needing to be nurtured into a better way. Thus the garden is not only an essential part of the practical training of growing organic vegetables, but also of evangelism. The garden classroom is designed to bring the students and teachers into closer contact with the Master Teacher, and thus attain practical, healthful, and helpful skills in the presence of God’s creative power. Classroom instruction is also given to explore the principles behind soil composition, composting and other useful concepts to know when you have your own garden.
Practical Work
In order to ensure a harmonious development of a person (’s character), there needs to be a balance between theoretical and practical activities. This is why practical work is an integral part of the Matteson program. Much of the work is part of the organic gardening course, but also other areas of work are included such as the composting plant, the vegetarian catering, construction and maintenance.

OTHER EXPERIENCES - Smaller things which provide great opportunities to learn

At Matteson, we see school as more than just a classroom. Life, with all of its blessings, challenges, responsibilities is a one-of-a-kind classroom which, if the student rightly applies themselves, gives lessons which are almost impossible to learn elsewhere. It can be expected that Matteson students take part in other activities such as catering and planning/helping out in various events, with the purpose that they learn the lessons that each student needs the most.