training missionaries for life!
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Give a donation
Give regularly – become a Macedonian
Why give?
Statement on tithe



Campaign – Our neighbor house is for sale!


We have prayed and looked for staff housing for Matteson for about a decade, and now God is giving us this amazing opportunity to buy our closest neighbour’s house, called ‘Skautun’!

Read more and get involved!



Give a donation



Bank transfer

Norwegian account number


If you’d like to receive a Norwegian giro, we’d be happy to send you a Norwegian giro.
Please call +47 69 89 73 89 or email


International transfer

IBAN: NO8210200709654
Bank address: Eidsberg sparebank, Storgaten 2, 1850 Mysen, NORWAY
Recipient address: Granheimstiftelsen, Postboks 243, 1851 Mysen, NORWAY


Credit / Debit Card

Donate here


US Donation

If you would like to donate from the US and get a tax deduction, you may do so via Outpost Centers International (OCI).



Vipps #78973



Give regularly – become a Macedonian




Norwegian Macedonian with AvtaleGiro


If you have a Norwegian bank account you may sign up below give monthly with AvtaleGiro.


Bank transfer Macedonian

Register in the bank a recurring monthly donation.


See the bank details above.


Birthday or memory gifts

Would you like to fundraise for Matteson Mission School when your birthday is coming up? You may do so by creating a Facebook fundraiser.


In connection with deaths and funerals sometimes families and relatives would like memory gifts to go to the Granheim Foundation. Relatives wish to express that such gifts are as dear as flowers. Thus the reputation of the deceased may be concretised and the cause still be developed.


Testamentary gifts

Some donors have wanted to favor the work of the Granheim Foundation in their will. All situations are different, also in terms of thoughts and feelings related to this. Granheim Foundation may under certain assumptions assist with legal help for designing a will. Please contact us if you want to talk about those opportunities.



Why give?


Having a program available like the Matteson Mission School is considered a privilege by many. The youth themselves, our local church and individuals all over the country realize this and express their gratitude in both words and cash.


The Granheim Foundation is the legal entity that provides the financial basis for the operation of the Matteson Mission School and its vision is to develop a model of sustainable evangelism in Post-Christian Europe and train youth to become true missionaries and resources for the church and their local communities. This short video explains more:



If you would like to join in supporting this work, you are invited to give a donation. Maybe you also would like to be a “Macedonian”, a partner who gives a certain amount on a regular basis, as the Macedonians in 2 Corinthians chapter 8 and 9? They saw it as an undivided joy to be able to contribute financially to the Lord’s work, despite limited financial capacity. They received the warmest recommendation from Paul, as an example to follow.


Macedonians experienced the joy of the biblical principle of generosity – and today medical science also confirms this: “spending money on others or giving to charity puts a bigger smile on your face than buying things for yourself”. Inspired by Paul, and with the desire to let more people experience this joy, we invite you to do as the Macedonians!


The Granheim Foundation’s operations are based on faith; None of our income is guaranteed in advance, yet we make plans ahead because we believe it is in harmony with God’s will. As “Macedonians”, you help to secure the foundation’s work for the future.


Thank you for your support!


Statement on tithe


The Granheim Foundation does not accept tithe. We believe that the tithe should be returned to the “storehouse” (Malachi 3,10) and we therefore encourage all to send their tithe to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church (Account number for NORUC: 3000.30.33100 – describe the transfer as “tithe”). 9T249