training missionaries for life!
Service Week & Language 2019

Jesus showed us an example of rendering willing service to the people around him. After having served his disciples, by washing their feet, he said: “I have set an example for you, so that you may do as I have done to you” (John 13:15).


The Matteson Alumni Committee offers the possibility to be a part of a week of service, where you can strengthen the Christlike mindset of service and at the same time help God’s work at Matteson to go forward.



Here is a tentative program (click to see larger version):



There are two possibilities to participate in this week:


1. Leadership training & Service week

The leadership training is exclusive for Matteson Alumni, and we offer four different leadership training opportunities throughout the service week:


  1. Administration (Aug 9 – 16)
  2. Household (Aug 9 – 16)
  3. Practical work (Aug 9 – 16)
  4. Language course (Aug 9 – 16)


Arrival would preferably be on  Friday, Aug 9. On Sunday, Aug 11 you will work together with a staffmember and prepare for making the Service Week run smoothly. The same evening, the staff will leave on a retreat while the service week is running.


On Friday, Aug 16 there will be a debrief and reflection on how you feel it went.


A description of some of the elements included in each training opportunity:

  • Administration: Friday night activity, coordinating worships, leading program, communication between departments
  • Household: Lead out in cooking, make kitchen duty list and make sure the kitchen runs well, shopping if needed, leading out in group cleaning
  • Practical work: Leading out in the practical work
  • Language course: Teach Norwegian classes, use duolingo and coach people in learning


2. Service week

If you would like to train servicemindedness, you are welcome to come and help and make the service week become a reality. The different tasks and experiences consists of:


  1. Practical work (different building projects and other needs the school have)
  2. Kitchen (helping out with making food for all the people involced in the service week)
  3. Worships (having a morning worship, 30 min)
  4. Joining a trip to Oslo (understanding norwegian history and culture)
  5. Attending the language course (if you are interested in learning Norwegian)


Depending on the number of people, it might be that not everyone will get to to all the different tasks, but we will strive towards that everyone gets a good experience.


Register and apply

Here you can register and apply for service week 2019!

