training missionaries for life!
may 17 – a review

A special day indeed, this year’s May 17 had even more preciousness added to it. Being the national day of celebration – everybody is out on the streets wearing their best and traditional clothes and cheering at the children’s parades – this day is one of joy and peace. We celebrated the giving of the Norwegian constitution (“Grunnloven”) 200 years ago – in 1814. Furthermore we had the joy of celebrating a wonderful Sabbath together.

After being witnesses on Mysen’s streets and enjoying the colorful and peaceful parade, our minds turned to memories of the past visiting the grave of our beloved teacher Vivian Telfer, who passed away in the beginning of 2013. Songs, like ‘The Blessed Hope’, directed our minds to heaven and the soon return of our Savior, who is our source for eternal joy and freedom. After a walk on the newly opened health path and a fellowship meal, the law once again caught our attention. The week’s lesson study reminded us how close law and mercy are connected and how God wants to see us grow in grace, having his law (character) established in our hearts. Annie Ross (Canada), in her sermon, connected her own experience with the day’s events and encouraged the ones present, as citizens of a heavenly country, to behold the beauty of their inheritance and the importance of preparing for the ‘homecoming’ here and now. Now is the time to draw close to our Savior.

“Ja, vi elsker dette landet” (Yes, we love this country) and “we have a hope that burns within our heart, hope of the coming of the Lord.”

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