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New Years Rally

The New Year´s Rally – brief history

Coming together around New Year, focusing on studying the Word of God was one of the building blocks in the development of Matteson Mission School. The New Year´s Rally in Sandnes, Norway in 1988 was the first of what was going to become an unbroken chain of annual New Year´s events. The rally normally took place every other year in Norway and in another Scandinavian country, and for many years more than 100 people joined for a week of studies, fellowship and testimonies. Many people have called this the highlight of the year and cannot think of any better way to celebrate New Year´s Eve. From 2009 to 2011 the rally was organized in cooperation with eYe in Denmark and in 2012 the New Year Event got a serious boost, as a result of the cooperation that made IMPACT Scandinavia possible.

Nyttårstreff – kort historikk

Samling rundt nyttår med fokus på studier i Guds ord var en av grunnsteinene i utviklingen av Matteson Misjonsskole. Nyttårstreffet i Sandnes i 1988 var det første av det som kom til å bli en ubrutt rekke av årlige nyttårarrangement. Treffene fant vanligvis sted annethvert år i Norge og i et av de andre skandinaviske landene og samlet i mange år over 100 personer til en uke med studier, fellesskap og vitnesbyrd. Mange har omtalt dette som årets høydepunkt og man kunne ikke tenke seg en bedre måte å feire nyttårsaften på. Fra 2009-2011 ble treffet avholdt i samarbeid med eYe i Danmark og i 2012 fikk nyttårsarrangementet et kraftig løft, som følge av samarbeidet som gjorde IMPACT Scandinavia mulig.

ASI Scandinavia Convention

ASI Scandinavia

Since the beginning of January 2013 the planning committee of the IMPACT Scandinavia Conference 2012 have been in dialogue with all the parties that together made the last conference a reality, in search for the best possible way to continue with a yearly conference.

After much thought and prayer and looking into a variety of options, we have decided that we together with the ministries that helped last year, would like to work towards an “official” joint ownership of the conference through the structure of ASI Scandinavia. We see this as a positive step for all the involved parties to come into an even closer working relationship with each other and the Church. We have realized that the success of the last conference was accomplished by such a joint effort of lay people, ministries, and the Church working together. We believe this move will make us more effective in organizing a yearly conference in Scandinavia focusing on inspiring and equipping youth and laymen.

The idea is that the conference will change name to “ASI Convention” but that the spirit and vision will remain the same. ASI Scandinavia will be the responsible organizer of the conference, with the ASI Board having the overall responsibility, but the planning committee of the convention will basically remain the same. The convention will be done in cooperation with the Seventh-day Adventist Church – its Youth Department and Evangelism Department.

We are glad to see how God has been leading us in all this process and want to solicit your prayers for the last pieces to fall in place in accordance with His will in this important organizational step as well as for the rest of the planning for the next convention.


The New Year´s Rally – brief history

Coming together around New Year, focusing on studying the Word of God was one of the building blocks in the development of Matteson Mission School. The New Year´s Rally in Sandnes, Norway in 1988 was the first of what was going to become an unbroken chain of annual New Year´s events. The rally normally took place every other year in Norway and in another Scandinavian country, and for many years more than 100 people joined for a week of studies, fellowship and testimonies. Many people have called this the highlight of the year and cannot think of any better way to celebrate New Year´s Eve. From 2009 to 2011 the rally was organized in cooperation with eYe in Denmark and in 2012 the New Year Event got a serious boost, as a result of the cooperation that made IMPACT Scandinavia possible.

Inspiration Weekend – Jesus and EQ

Speakers: Ernst Zwiker
Date: 25th – 27th October, 2013
Place: Matteson Mission School / Adventist Church Mysen

Regular reg. until 18th October, Friday the week before:
Youth: kr 250,-
30+ kr 400,-


Payment on site (even if registered early):
Youth: kr 350,-
30+ kr 500,-

Please use this account: 1020.21.03044 – Please mark the payment with your name
IBAN: NO02 1020 2103 044

Click here to register now
Read more about our new early bird policy

To bring:

– Bible
– Sleeping bag, bed sheet
– Nice clothes for the Sabbath
– Outdoor clothes for possible Outdoor activities
– (Instruments)


(Subject to slight changes)
16.00 Registration
17.30 Supper
19.00 Meeting
– Introduction to EQ – the five steps of EQ
– Why is EQ important for Christians?
– The consequences of biblical EQ
– What is my EQ – personal EQ-Test is possible

07.30 Worship
08.30 Breakfast
10.00 Norwegian/English Sabbath school
11.15 Divine service
– Jesus & EQ – a biblical example showing God’s endtime strategy for us
13.00 Lunch
15.00 Walk
17.30 Supper
19.00 Meeting:
– Where do problems come from and how to understand God’s healing concept?
– How does the Biblical healing process work?
– Practical Examples show how healing can happen

07.30 worship
08.30 breakfast
09.50 Meeting
– Different components of healing shown in BCBT (biblical Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
11.00 break
11.30 Meeting
– Jesus and the most devoted disciple – a special relationship that moves
13.00 lunch

Click here to Register
Every person (also children) has to be registered separately!
If you have further questions about the weekend, you can write an e-mail to

Aktiv Ungdom



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Baptism Invitation – Jan & Misha

You are invited to the baptism of two of our students, Jan & Misha.

The batism will be on Sabbath the 6th of July at a lake near Matteson Mission School.

For more information contact

New Matteson Promo

Alumni Inspiration Weekend

Speakers: Matteson Alumni
Date: 4th – 6th October, 2013
Place: Matteson Mission School / Adventist Church Mysen


We believe that God had a good reason to establish Matteson Mission School.
We also believe that He had a special plan for you that were sent here.
Our former students came from all over the world and after the training they went out to places all over the world – like the seeds of the maple tree.

Now all of you are invited back


• to share,
• to reflect,
• to inspire and
• to get inspired!


But not only alumni but also want-to-be-alumni are invited. If you are seriously interested in becoming a student (thus alumnus/alumna) then you should not miss this special weekend.


The alumni that graduated last, in 2013, prepare an exciting programme with spiritual input, fellowship, networking opportunities and even a practical project. Don’t forget your working clothes if you want to lay the foundation for a new mixed fruit tree orchard!


Let us come together to not only refresh the memories of our time at Matteson but also to get our hands to the plough. Then let us go out again with new strength – just like that time when we first came to and left Matteson Mission School.


Regular reg. until 27th September, Friday the week before:
For all: kr 250,-


Payment on site (even if registered early):
For all: kr 350,-


Please use this account: 1020.21.03044 – Please mark the payment with your name
IBAN: NO02 1020 2103 044


Click here to register now


Read more about our new early bird policy


To bring:

– Bible
– Sleeping bag, bed sheet
– Nice clothes for the Sabbath
– Outdoor clothes for outdoor activities
– Spades for digging the fruit orchard holes on Sunday, if possible
– (Instruments)



(Subject to slight changes)


16.00 Registration
17.30 Supper
19.00 Meeting – “Life-Changing Missions”


08.00 Worship
08.30 Breakfast
10.00 Norwegian/English Sabbath school
11.10 Divine service
13.00 Lunch
15.00 Outreach/United Prayer
17.30 Supper
19.00 Meeting – “Behold The Harvest”


Sunday (at Granheim)
07.45 worship
08.30 breakfast
09.40 Meeting – Gunnar’s Wise Words
11.00 Digging Fruit Tree Holes at Opsand
14.00 Lunch


Click here to Register


Every person (also children) has to be registered separately!


If you have further questions about the weekend, you can write an e-mail to

Event Policies

The following words detail some important information in regards to events organised by Matteson Mission School:


Early Bird Policy for Inspiration Weekends

Matteson Mission School has a long history of organizing events such Inspiration Weekends. We are happy to be able to share some of our highly appreciated guest teachers with a large audience by inviting them to our special weekends, where they can hear solid, inspirational messages several times per year.


Organizing events is a part of the Matteson training program. Each year we have a new group of students, and thus a new team in charge of these weekends. Through both planning and execution, the students are learning the art of event-organizing.


In order for this to be a constructive and inspiring experience for them, as well as being able to offer well organized events in spite of our limited facilities, we need to know well ahead of time how many will attend.


Hoping to inspire participants to sign up early, we have decided to present the offer of an “early bird discount”. After the “early bird” registration cut-off date, a higher fee will be charged (youth up to age 30: NOK 300.- / age 30+: 500.-)*. This price will continue until the close of the registration, i.e. a week before the event starts.


Payments should preferably be made before the event by bank transfer, but it is possible to use PayPal if bank transfer does not work for you.


On-site payment, though possible, is inconvenient and more expensive:
youth up to age 30: NOK 400.- / age 30+: 600.-


Please note that it is not enough to register early, you must also pay within the deadline. On-site payments will cost NOK 400,- / 600,- regardless of when you registered.


We hope you can identify with these organizational developments and will take advantage of our
“early bird” offer.


*Prices subject to differ. Actual prices on event page


Refund Policy

We  count the reception of an event fee as a confirmation of attendance, and thus will accordingly prepare to receive the attendee. If the registered attendee decides to cancel their registration before the registration deadline, then we will provide a full refund of the fee paid. However, if the registered attendee decides to cancel their registration after the registration deadline, we cannot provide a refund of the fee paid unless the reason for cancellation is in relation to a sickness or death. Matteson Mission School reserves the right to determine whether a refund will be given or not.


Media consent

I understand and accept that meetings are filmed and pictures taken during the weekend which may also be used in different ways.

OCI Report